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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Debate Opinion: 'Sexting' on the rise among teenagers |

Debate Opinion: 'Sexting' on the rise among teenagers | "'Sexting' on the rise among teenagers | 'The common idea is that young people are doing this as a response to pressure o..."
The media very often reports bad behavior by famous people sending "sexy" messages, doing drugs, and committing sexual and physical abuses with no recrimination, consequences and ridicule making it acceptable behavior and even glorifying it.
With no or few good role models in the public eye, is very easy for young people to fall into this kind of behavior , without money and support they end up usually with no job prospects, with a drug problem , physical, emotional and sexual scars caused by them or to them, and in worst cases in jail.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Debate Opinion: Empowered people secret of Google's success

Debate Opinion: Empowered people secret of Google's success: "Empowered people secret of Google's success While America may be stagnant, Google is the opposite. It is growing at 20 per cent overall ..."

STOP BULLYING: A young girl dragged to a dark place: Anger over s...

STOP BULLYING: A young girl dragged to a dark place: Anger over s...: "A young girl dragged to a dark place: Anger over sex assaults by school classmate | ' One day her teacher gave the class a task..."

Our media news is constantly giving examples of bad conduct by young boys role models and famous people without any or few consequences, what is the message to our young boys and girls?
Only this week we have the following:
"Disgraced ex-DJs boss lands $5.2m job Mark McInnes
MARK McInnes, who quit DJs over sexual harassment scandal, becomes CEO of retail company behind Just Jeans and Jay Jays."
"Ricky Nixon has been banned from representing clients for only two years after providing cocaine and had sex with a teenager, but will continue running Flying Start.
We have players gang raping women and getting away with it, scandal after scandal
Our media did report the appalling behavior of Charlie Sheen and now are saying he had his revenge and won...what are you saying to young impressionable men...
Who is managing this irresponsible behavior?
You are putting at risk your daughters, sisters, mothers, friends and also the young boys future.
Please do not be a bystander be part of the solution, sign the petition to stop violence

I am not a bystander

I did join the stop violence facebook cause and sign the petition.