Sunday, October 31, 2010
Women Make the News 2010
Women Make the News 2010Recognizing media power, about time...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Demand for hijab ruling causes uproar in State Parliament | Adelaide Now
Demand for hijab ruling causes uproar in State Parliament | Adelaide NowHow could a simple misunderstanding become such an uproar?
I did not understand the big momentum created in both houses by the question?
I do not know about the Adelaide politics, I am real only commenting on what I am reading, and I do not understand how a celebration turn into such a debate about race, religion,costumes, etc
A question was asked about etiquette, and about the parliament rules, and a young women took it the wrong way ...
Who was South Australian-born Muriel Matters?
Although these two deeds punctuate Matters’ life, they mask a hard working and strong willed activist who spent an entire life acting upon deeply held principles. These convictions orbiting around thoughts of gender equality, universal access to education and a career open to talent may seem commonplace in contemporary society but at the beginning of the twentieth century they were ideals which had to be won. All the different elements contained within her life of activism culminated in 1924 when she ran as the Labour Candidate for the seat of Hastings in the General Election. Although she did not gain enough votes to unseat the incumbent (Lord Eustace Percy), this actualization of her belief that women had a natural right to participate in parliamentary decision making bodies was a victory in itself and provided an example which others soon followed.
I did not understand the big momentum created in both houses by the question?
I do not know about the Adelaide politics, I am real only commenting on what I am reading, and I do not understand how a celebration turn into such a debate about race, religion,costumes, etc
A question was asked about etiquette, and about the parliament rules, and a young women took it the wrong way ...
Who was South Australian-born Muriel Matters?
Although these two deeds punctuate Matters’ life, they mask a hard working and strong willed activist who spent an entire life acting upon deeply held principles. These convictions orbiting around thoughts of gender equality, universal access to education and a career open to talent may seem commonplace in contemporary society but at the beginning of the twentieth century they were ideals which had to be won. All the different elements contained within her life of activism culminated in 1924 when she ran as the Labour Candidate for the seat of Hastings in the General Election. Although she did not gain enough votes to unseat the incumbent (Lord Eustace Percy), this actualization of her belief that women had a natural right to participate in parliamentary decision making bodies was a victory in itself and provided an example which others soon followed.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Emotional start to euthanasia debate |
Emotional start to euthanasia debate | the public decide
Debate Opinion: Miranda Devine asks: Why are all men made to feel ...
Debate Opinion: Miranda Devine asks: Why are all men made to feel ...: "Miranda Devine asks: Why are all men made to feel like fiends? | answer: I do understand that decent men will sometimes would ..."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
STOP BULLYINGWe all have a roll to play.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The DJs case wrote fear into the rule book for young men | Article | The Punch
The DJs case wrote fear into the rule book for young men | Article | The PunchI do not think so, men that respect women have no reason to fear.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Queensland Attorney-General to appeal child rapist Gerard Vincent Byrnes' eight-year term |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Cold case repeat rapist jailed for 10 years | Perth Now
Cold case repeat rapist jailed for 10 years | Perth Nowraped twice next to her child and the perpetrator has only 10 years? Do we take seriously the violent crime that rape is?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mary had to fight for women in a male era | The Daily Telegraph
Mary had to fight for women in a male era | The Daily TelegraphFeminist is a title Australia's first saint would probably reject if she was alive today but for a generation of modern women, her life defined what it is to be a strong female, quietly and successfully defying the establishment.
Just why would a women reject the word Feminist?
Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.[1][2][3] These rights include legal protection and inclusion in politics, business, and scholarship, and recognition and building of women's cultures and power.[citation needed] Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is controversial for challenging traditions in many fields and especially for supporting shifting the political balance toward women.[citation needed] Some feminists argue that men cause and benefit from sexism[citation needed]; while others argue that all people are harmed by gender roles and therefore that feminism is for women and men. Feminists are persons of either sex.
Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements[4][5] and includes general theories and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the social construction of sex and gender, in a variety of disciplines. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses.
Protofeminism preceded feminism and is based on sources other than feminists' writings. Feminists' writings then began to appear, such as those by Christine de Pizan in the 15th century and Mary Wollstonecraft in the late 18th century. Starting in the 19th century, feminism tended to arise in in what we now refer to as waves, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom. First-wave feminism sought equality in property rights, changes in the marriage relationship, and, eventually, in women's suffrage, or women's right to vote. Second-wave feminism, also sometimes called women's liberation, began in the 1960s and focused on discrimination and on cultural, social, and political issues, and books about it included The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex. It was often accused of orienting to upper middle-class white women and, sometimes, of biological essentialism. Third-wave feminism began in the 1980s or early 1990s and addresses feminism across class and race lines, as being grounded in culture rather than biology, and through many issues, so there's less concentration on particular issues."
Well if you agree that you have the right to education, equal pay(not yet achieved in Australia), to vote, not to lose your children if you divorce, opposed to domestic violence, right to own property and business, you are a FEMINIST what kind I do not know.
Just why would a women reject the word Feminist?
Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.[1][2][3] These rights include legal protection and inclusion in politics, business, and scholarship, and recognition and building of women's cultures and power.[citation needed] Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is controversial for challenging traditions in many fields and especially for supporting shifting the political balance toward women.[citation needed] Some feminists argue that men cause and benefit from sexism[citation needed]; while others argue that all people are harmed by gender roles and therefore that feminism is for women and men. Feminists are persons of either sex.
Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements[4][5] and includes general theories and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the social construction of sex and gender, in a variety of disciplines. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses.
Protofeminism preceded feminism and is based on sources other than feminists' writings. Feminists' writings then began to appear, such as those by Christine de Pizan in the 15th century and Mary Wollstonecraft in the late 18th century. Starting in the 19th century, feminism tended to arise in in what we now refer to as waves, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom. First-wave feminism sought equality in property rights, changes in the marriage relationship, and, eventually, in women's suffrage, or women's right to vote. Second-wave feminism, also sometimes called women's liberation, began in the 1960s and focused on discrimination and on cultural, social, and political issues, and books about it included The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex. It was often accused of orienting to upper middle-class white women and, sometimes, of biological essentialism. Third-wave feminism began in the 1980s or early 1990s and addresses feminism across class and race lines, as being grounded in culture rather than biology, and through many issues, so there's less concentration on particular issues."
Well if you agree that you have the right to education, equal pay(not yet achieved in Australia), to vote, not to lose your children if you divorce, opposed to domestic violence, right to own property and business, you are a FEMINIST what kind I do not know.
Women count the high cost of going public |
Women count the high cost of going public | is my opinion the Media plays an important role in society. I do not like what I see and hear...are we going backwards?
How to be a happy housewife
How to be a happy housewifeIf women start this trend of the 50's...discrimination will be back and our daughters will suffer.
I just hope common sense will prevail, and we do not go backwards.
Men and Women should evolve together...
I just hope common sense will prevail, and we do not go backwards.
Men and Women should evolve together...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Bullying Information - ABC News
Bullying Information - ABC News
An aggressive child who repeatedly victimizes a less powerful child with physical and/or emotional abuse.
Bullying usually involves an older or larger child (or several children) victimizing a single child who is incapable of defending himself or herself. Although much bullying goes unreported, it is estimated that in the average school an incident of bullying occurs approximately once every seven minutes. Bullying occurs at about the same rate regardless of class size or school size, but, for an unknown reason, rural schools appear to have a higher rate of bullying than urban or suburban schools. Even when bullying is reported, it is not always taken seriously by teachers and parents because many adults believe that children should learn to "stand up for themselves" or "fight back."
Although the stereotypical bully is male, girls engage in bullying behavior almost as often as boys. Their tactics differ, however, in that they are less visible. Boy bullies tend to resort to one-on-one physical aggression, while girls tend to bully as a group through social exclusion and the spreading of rumors. Girls who would never bully individually will often take part in group bullying activities such as "slam books," notebooks that are circulated among the peer group in which comments and criticisms are written about particular individuals.
Bullying begins at a very early age; it is not uncommon to find bullies in preschool classrooms. Up until about age seven, bullies appear to choose their victims at random. After that, they single out specific children to torment on a regular basis. Nearly twice as much bullying goes on in grades two to four as in grades six to eight, and, as bullies grow older, they use less physical abuse and more verbal abuse.
Until about sixth grade, bullies are not necessarily unpopular. They average two or three friends, and other children seem to admire them for their physical toughness. By high school, however, their social acceptance has diminished to the point that their only "friends" are other bullies. Despite their unpopularity, bullies have relatively high self-esteem. Perhaps this is because they process social information inaccurately.
For example, bullies attribute hostile intentions to people around them and therefore perceive provocation where it does not exist. "What are you staring at?" is a common opening line of bullies. For the bully, these perceived slights serve as justification for aggressive behavior.
In general, children who become the targets of bullies have a negative view of violence and go out of their way to avoid conflict. They tend to be "loners" who exhibit signs of vulnerability before being singled out by a bully. Being victimized leads these children—who are already lacking in self-esteem—to feel more anxious and thereby increase their vulnerability to further victimization. Being the target of a bully leads to social isolation and rejection by peers, and victims tend to internalize others' negative views, further eroding their self-esteem. Although bullying actually lessens during adolescence, that is the period when peer rejection is most painful for victims. In a number of well-publicized cases (in Scandinavia, Japan, and Australia, as well as the United States), adolescents tormented by bullies have been driven to suicide.
Evidence indicates that bullying is not a phase a child will outgrow. In a long-term study of more than 500 children, University of Michigan researchers discovered that children who were viewed as the most aggressive by their peers at age eight grew up to commit more (and more serious) crimes as adults. Other studies indicate that, as adults, bullies are far more likely to abuse their spouses and children.
Parents and teachers can do a number of things to prevent bullying:
* All children should be given regular opportunities to discuss bullying and ways to deal with bullies. In role-playing exercises, for example, children can practice saying, "Leave me alone" and walking away.
* Children can be taught simple measures to lessen the likelihood of becoming the target of a bully. Looking people in the eye, speaking up, and standing straight are just a few behaviors that communicate self-confidence.
* Children who tend to be loners (potential targets of bullies) can be paired up with socially competent "models." Some children need a little help learning how to make friends.
* Because bullies are most likely to strike during unsupervised times such as recess, children should be provided with as much structured activity as possible.
Olweus, Dan. Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1993.
Bullies and Scapegoats Project
Address: Educators for Social Responsibility
23 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone: (617) 492-1764
National School Safety Center
Address: 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Telephone: (805) 777-9977
An aggressive child who repeatedly victimizes a less powerful child with physical and/or emotional abuse.
Bullying usually involves an older or larger child (or several children) victimizing a single child who is incapable of defending himself or herself. Although much bullying goes unreported, it is estimated that in the average school an incident of bullying occurs approximately once every seven minutes. Bullying occurs at about the same rate regardless of class size or school size, but, for an unknown reason, rural schools appear to have a higher rate of bullying than urban or suburban schools. Even when bullying is reported, it is not always taken seriously by teachers and parents because many adults believe that children should learn to "stand up for themselves" or "fight back."
Although the stereotypical bully is male, girls engage in bullying behavior almost as often as boys. Their tactics differ, however, in that they are less visible. Boy bullies tend to resort to one-on-one physical aggression, while girls tend to bully as a group through social exclusion and the spreading of rumors. Girls who would never bully individually will often take part in group bullying activities such as "slam books," notebooks that are circulated among the peer group in which comments and criticisms are written about particular individuals.
Bullying begins at a very early age; it is not uncommon to find bullies in preschool classrooms. Up until about age seven, bullies appear to choose their victims at random. After that, they single out specific children to torment on a regular basis. Nearly twice as much bullying goes on in grades two to four as in grades six to eight, and, as bullies grow older, they use less physical abuse and more verbal abuse.
Until about sixth grade, bullies are not necessarily unpopular. They average two or three friends, and other children seem to admire them for their physical toughness. By high school, however, their social acceptance has diminished to the point that their only "friends" are other bullies. Despite their unpopularity, bullies have relatively high self-esteem. Perhaps this is because they process social information inaccurately.
For example, bullies attribute hostile intentions to people around them and therefore perceive provocation where it does not exist. "What are you staring at?" is a common opening line of bullies. For the bully, these perceived slights serve as justification for aggressive behavior.
In general, children who become the targets of bullies have a negative view of violence and go out of their way to avoid conflict. They tend to be "loners" who exhibit signs of vulnerability before being singled out by a bully. Being victimized leads these children—who are already lacking in self-esteem—to feel more anxious and thereby increase their vulnerability to further victimization. Being the target of a bully leads to social isolation and rejection by peers, and victims tend to internalize others' negative views, further eroding their self-esteem. Although bullying actually lessens during adolescence, that is the period when peer rejection is most painful for victims. In a number of well-publicized cases (in Scandinavia, Japan, and Australia, as well as the United States), adolescents tormented by bullies have been driven to suicide.
Evidence indicates that bullying is not a phase a child will outgrow. In a long-term study of more than 500 children, University of Michigan researchers discovered that children who were viewed as the most aggressive by their peers at age eight grew up to commit more (and more serious) crimes as adults. Other studies indicate that, as adults, bullies are far more likely to abuse their spouses and children.
Parents and teachers can do a number of things to prevent bullying:
* All children should be given regular opportunities to discuss bullying and ways to deal with bullies. In role-playing exercises, for example, children can practice saying, "Leave me alone" and walking away.
* Children can be taught simple measures to lessen the likelihood of becoming the target of a bully. Looking people in the eye, speaking up, and standing straight are just a few behaviors that communicate self-confidence.
* Children who tend to be loners (potential targets of bullies) can be paired up with socially competent "models." Some children need a little help learning how to make friends.
* Because bullies are most likely to strike during unsupervised times such as recess, children should be provided with as much structured activity as possible.
Olweus, Dan. Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1993.
Bullies and Scapegoats Project
Address: Educators for Social Responsibility
23 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone: (617) 492-1764
National School Safety Center
Address: 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Telephone: (805) 777-9977
Paedophiles ruled out in Morcombe inquiry |
Paedophiles ruled out in Morcombe inquiry | feel sorry for the boy and his family. When will the monster or monsters be found??
McInnes leaves DJs conciliation talks |
McInnes leaves DJs conciliation talks | DENIED??????????????????This case is really important...we want to avoid our daughters, or any women in the future to be sexual harassed.
David Jones had a big profit, so they think it is ok to defend this type of action?????????
Women can be pleasant, talk friendly and laugh at jokes, that does not give the boss, supervisor or colleague the right to sexual harass them.
David Jones had a big profit, so they think it is ok to defend this type of action?????????
Women can be pleasant, talk friendly and laugh at jokes, that does not give the boss, supervisor or colleague the right to sexual harass them.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Man linked to the case of missing boy Daniel Morcombe takes own life an inquest is told |
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Ex-cricketer Glenn Hughes says woman 'guided' him in sex | Perth Now
Ex-cricketer Glenn Hughes says woman 'guided' him in sex | Perth NowReally why would a women consent to have sex with a tampon inside her....???
Dad was 'teaching daughter about sex' |
Dad was 'teaching daughter about sex' | MONSTER STORY
AN elderly New Zealand man has appeared in court accused of 34 crimes including raping his daughter, forcing his children to have sex with one another, repeatedly beating them and killing their pet cats.
The 78-year-old pensioner from the North Island, who has interim name suppression, went on trial in Palmerston North District Court yesterday, facing charges relating to almost three decades of alleged assault and sexual abuse, NZPA reported.
The charges, which the man denies, include 11 allegations of rape against five different women or girls, the Dominion Post reported today.
On six occasions the alleged victims were aged between 12 and 16-years-old.
The man's lawyer, Fergus Steedman, urged a jury of six men and six women not to make any decisions about his client based on the crown's grim re-telling of events.
"There may be times when you want to hit him and there may be times when you hate me, too, as I challenge the evidence," Mr Steedman told the court.
"You may react emotively ... but I ask that you deal with that now. It's okay to act that way provided you keep an open mind."
The alleged crimes took place between 1963 and 1990 as the man and his family shifted around eight lower North Island cities and towns, according to the Dominion Post.
Three of his children are among the eight people who made complaints against him. Another three are due to give evidence in his defence.
The other alleged victims are the man's former partner's niece, a school friend of his daughter and the former girlfriends of both his sons.
All have name suppression.
1 of 2 14/10/10 2:10 AM
New Zealand sex case jury told to keep open mind |
As well as rapes, the man is charged with attempted rape, indecent assault, assault with intent to injure and cruelty to children.
During a lengthy opening statement today, Crown Prosecutor Chris Shannon outlined details of what the man was accused of doing.
This included sexually assaulting some of the children under the guise of a medical examination or teaching them about sex, forcing his son to have sex with his daughter by saying he had a gun and attempting to hit his eldest son with his car, before threatening to get a gun and shoot him.
Mr Shannon also accused the man of allowing a farmhand to take his youngest son away to the milking shed for oral sex and killing two of his children's pet cats in front of them.
Some members of the jury appeared visibly upset as the details were recounted, the Dominion Post reported.
The court was shown a video of a police interview, in which the man repeatedly denied the events ever took place.
During cross-examination, defence lawyer Fergus Steedman asked the woman why it took her until 2009 to tell police about the attempted rape.
The woman said past complaints had "fallen on deaf ears" with police and social workers, so she gave up.
Eight people have laid complaints against the man, three of them his children.
However, another three of the man's children are due to give evidence in his defence during the trial, which is expected to last three weeks.
AN elderly New Zealand man has appeared in court accused of 34 crimes including raping his daughter, forcing his children to have sex with one another, repeatedly beating them and killing their pet cats.
The 78-year-old pensioner from the North Island, who has interim name suppression, went on trial in Palmerston North District Court yesterday, facing charges relating to almost three decades of alleged assault and sexual abuse, NZPA reported.
The charges, which the man denies, include 11 allegations of rape against five different women or girls, the Dominion Post reported today.
On six occasions the alleged victims were aged between 12 and 16-years-old.
The man's lawyer, Fergus Steedman, urged a jury of six men and six women not to make any decisions about his client based on the crown's grim re-telling of events.
"There may be times when you want to hit him and there may be times when you hate me, too, as I challenge the evidence," Mr Steedman told the court.
"You may react emotively ... but I ask that you deal with that now. It's okay to act that way provided you keep an open mind."
The alleged crimes took place between 1963 and 1990 as the man and his family shifted around eight lower North Island cities and towns, according to the Dominion Post.
Three of his children are among the eight people who made complaints against him. Another three are due to give evidence in his defence.
The other alleged victims are the man's former partner's niece, a school friend of his daughter and the former girlfriends of both his sons.
All have name suppression.
1 of 2 14/10/10 2:10 AM
New Zealand sex case jury told to keep open mind |
As well as rapes, the man is charged with attempted rape, indecent assault, assault with intent to injure and cruelty to children.
During a lengthy opening statement today, Crown Prosecutor Chris Shannon outlined details of what the man was accused of doing.
This included sexually assaulting some of the children under the guise of a medical examination or teaching them about sex, forcing his son to have sex with his daughter by saying he had a gun and attempting to hit his eldest son with his car, before threatening to get a gun and shoot him.
Mr Shannon also accused the man of allowing a farmhand to take his youngest son away to the milking shed for oral sex and killing two of his children's pet cats in front of them.
Some members of the jury appeared visibly upset as the details were recounted, the Dominion Post reported.
The court was shown a video of a police interview, in which the man repeatedly denied the events ever took place.
During cross-examination, defence lawyer Fergus Steedman asked the woman why it took her until 2009 to tell police about the attempted rape.
The woman said past complaints had "fallen on deaf ears" with police and social workers, so she gave up.
Eight people have laid complaints against the man, three of them his children.
However, another three of the man's children are due to give evidence in his defence during the trial, which is expected to last three weeks.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Australia drops 3 places( not in the top 20 )out of gender equality study's top 20 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). women lets all move to Iceland...maybe for 3 months ( next year Australia will take GOLD)
Australia drops out of gender equality study's top 20 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)"
"Australia drops out of gender equality study's top 20
The following was extracted from the ABC NEWS
"Iceland, Norway and Finland topped the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual gender gap index, while Pakistan, Chad and Yemen were bottom of the 134-nation rankings.
Australia has dropped three places since last year to come in at 23rd behind Mozambique.
New Zealand at fifth and the Philippines, at ninth, led the Asia-Pacific nations.
The report - which assesses how equitably income, resources and opportunities are distributed between the sexes - gave particular praise to the Philippines in Asia and Lesotho in Africa, which were both in the world top 10."
USA from 31st to 19th passing australia by 1.
France dropped more than 25 places to 46th, mainly because of its "poor performance" in women's political empowerment.
The report said Iceland had made new gains "because of an increase in the number of women ministers, a near gender-balanced parliament and the continued tenure of a female prime minister.
The only blemish was "a significant difference between men's and women's salaries."
Nordic countries have some of the highest labor force participation rates in the world and lowest salary gaps while "women have abundant opportunities to rise to positions of leadership," said the report."
"Australia drops out of gender equality study's top 20
The following was extracted from the ABC NEWS
"Iceland, Norway and Finland topped the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual gender gap index, while Pakistan, Chad and Yemen were bottom of the 134-nation rankings.
Australia has dropped three places since last year to come in at 23rd behind Mozambique.
New Zealand at fifth and the Philippines, at ninth, led the Asia-Pacific nations.
The report - which assesses how equitably income, resources and opportunities are distributed between the sexes - gave particular praise to the Philippines in Asia and Lesotho in Africa, which were both in the world top 10."
USA from 31st to 19th passing australia by 1.
France dropped more than 25 places to 46th, mainly because of its "poor performance" in women's political empowerment.
The report said Iceland had made new gains "because of an increase in the number of women ministers, a near gender-balanced parliament and the continued tenure of a female prime minister.
The only blemish was "a significant difference between men's and women's salaries."
Nordic countries have some of the highest labor force participation rates in the world and lowest salary gaps while "women have abundant opportunities to rise to positions of leadership," said the report."
PM says women and men should be boss |
"PM is hoping that people can imagine women doing the top jobs, not just the men.
Despite the country sporting a female prime minister, two female premiers and a female governor-general it has become apparent the corporate world is not reflecting politics."
If women in the developed world take so long to have the same pay, and the same opportunities, with the law and education in their side, can we imagine how many centuries will take for the rest of the world to stop trafficking, FGM, slavery or child rape?
I have been listening to media comments by men and women about raping as if the woman's actions are to blame not the perpetrators.
Yesterday, following the Q&A on the ABC, it was said that we cannot underestimate the bond between the players after group sex.
What kind of bond?violent sex, rape? Are these our heroes?
As every one knows women should not be drunk at 3 am, and talk or go with strangers because it is not safe not because they deserve to be raped.
Is it fair to say that they have been raped because they were out?We are putting the blame on the victims not the perpetrators what is morally wrong.
What does it say about us and the society we are creating?Is that the example we want to give to the world?
It appears to me that media celebrities should take more responsibility by the comments they make.
Really, what are we saying to our boys? That it is ok to use a women as a sexual object without any caring for their feelings, and that rape is ok if the women is out late and drunk?
Gillard won't budge on internet filter |
Gillard won't budge on internet filter |
Please do not bring politics to this issue, put children first protect them from extreme violence and pornography.
I only hope the system will never be abused...very nervously I support it.
Please do not bring politics to this issue, put children first protect them from extreme violence and pornography.
I only hope the system will never be abused...very nervously I support it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Modern day slave trading
Modern day slave trading
There are no slaves in the 21st century, right? Wrong. Far from being an historical relic, human slavery is thriving. And it's not just adults who are being subjected to this degradation.
Right around the world, children as young as four are being forced to work as domestic servants, street beggars, agricultural labourers, miners and factory workers. Many are involved in prostitution, pornography and bonded labour.
There are no slaves in the 21st century, right? Wrong. Far from being an historical relic, human slavery is thriving. And it's not just adults who are being subjected to this degradation.
Right around the world, children as young as four are being forced to work as domestic servants, street beggars, agricultural labourers, miners and factory workers. Many are involved in prostitution, pornography and bonded labour.
GetUp Campaign Blog
GetUp Campaign Blog
Teagan was just 19 years old when she was charged under archaic 111 year old laws that classify abortion as a criminal ‘offence against morality’. If found guilty, she faces up to 7 years imprisonment.
Teagan was just 19 years old when she was charged under archaic 111 year old laws that classify abortion as a criminal ‘offence against morality’. If found guilty, she faces up to 7 years imprisonment.
MacKillop banished after uncovering sex abuse - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2009
4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2009THE FACTS
The victimisation rate for all sexual assault victims aged 10-14 was 4 times higher than the rate for all age groups (338 victims per 100,000 people aged 10-14 compared with 86 victims per 100,000 people).
Female and male victims of sexual assault aged 10-14 both had victimisation rates 4 times higher than the rate for all females and males (579 female victims per 100,000 females aged 10- 14 compared with the overall rate of 144 female victims per 100,000 females; and 108 male victims per 100,000 males aged 10-14 compared with the overall rate of 26 male victims per 100,000 males.)
The majority (84%) of all sexual assault victims were female. Females were also the most prevalent victims of kidnapping/abduction (55%), while males were the most prevalent victims of robbery (75%), attempted murder (74%), murder (71%), and blackmail/extortion (69%).
Between 2008 and 2009, the number of victims recorded by police of blackmail/extortion offences increased by 60% (equating to a victimisation rate in 2009 of 3 victims per 100,000 people). The number of victims increased marginally for the personal offences of murder (1%) and attempted murder (1%), and decreased for manslaughter (-6%), sexual assault (-2%), kidnapping/abduction (-19%) and robbery (-5%).
Selected property offences in 2009 (unlawful entry with intent, motor vehicle theft and other theft) all decreased from 2008.
Of the selected personal offences, weapons were mainly used in murders, attempted murders, and robberies. A knife was the most common weapon used in committing these offences: 37% of attempted murder victims; 36% of murder victims; and 19% of robbery victims were subjected to an offence involving a knife.
Residential locations were the most common place of occurrence for the offences of unlawful entry with intent (68%), sexual assault (67%), murder (65%), attempted murder (62%), and motor vehicle theft (40%). The street/footpath was the most prevalent location where victims were robbed (46%) and kidnapped/abducted (45%).
Media note:
This publication presents national crime statistics relating to victims of a selected range of personal and property offences that have been recorded by police during 2009. Caution should be exercised in comparing 2009 data to prior years due to business process changes. More details are available in Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 4510.0).
The victimisation rate for all sexual assault victims aged 10-14 was 4 times higher than the rate for all age groups (338 victims per 100,000 people aged 10-14 compared with 86 victims per 100,000 people).
Female and male victims of sexual assault aged 10-14 both had victimisation rates 4 times higher than the rate for all females and males (579 female victims per 100,000 females aged 10- 14 compared with the overall rate of 144 female victims per 100,000 females; and 108 male victims per 100,000 males aged 10-14 compared with the overall rate of 26 male victims per 100,000 males.)
The majority (84%) of all sexual assault victims were female. Females were also the most prevalent victims of kidnapping/abduction (55%), while males were the most prevalent victims of robbery (75%), attempted murder (74%), murder (71%), and blackmail/extortion (69%).
Between 2008 and 2009, the number of victims recorded by police of blackmail/extortion offences increased by 60% (equating to a victimisation rate in 2009 of 3 victims per 100,000 people). The number of victims increased marginally for the personal offences of murder (1%) and attempted murder (1%), and decreased for manslaughter (-6%), sexual assault (-2%), kidnapping/abduction (-19%) and robbery (-5%).
Selected property offences in 2009 (unlawful entry with intent, motor vehicle theft and other theft) all decreased from 2008.
Of the selected personal offences, weapons were mainly used in murders, attempted murders, and robberies. A knife was the most common weapon used in committing these offences: 37% of attempted murder victims; 36% of murder victims; and 19% of robbery victims were subjected to an offence involving a knife.
Residential locations were the most common place of occurrence for the offences of unlawful entry with intent (68%), sexual assault (67%), murder (65%), attempted murder (62%), and motor vehicle theft (40%). The street/footpath was the most prevalent location where victims were robbed (46%) and kidnapped/abducted (45%).
Media note:
This publication presents national crime statistics relating to victims of a selected range of personal and property offences that have been recorded by police during 2009. Caution should be exercised in comparing 2009 data to prior years due to business process changes. More details are available in Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 4510.0).
Murdered girl's funeral draws thousands |
Murdered girl's funeral draws thousands | are more important than morals...
Sandilands launches attack on lord mayor
Sandilands launches attack on lord mayor
ENOUGH how can we allow this type of verbal abuse, and violence against women to continue in the media without any consequences?
ENOUGH how can we allow this type of verbal abuse, and violence against women to continue in the media without any consequences?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A powerful man’s view of women banging on the glass ceiling | Cube Farmer Blog
Dianne Brimble's family mourns as P&O four party in reunion dinner |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
YouTube - World Vision I Old Spice
If only Media would help us all create a better world.
How nice it would be to see the Media bombarding us with news about young successful stars, good role models, good causes as often as they do about stars drinking themselves stupid, doing drugs, be violent to women, and in the end being successfull with no consequences... but no those news will be too boring...
All of us are starving for great examples, and great causes, we need to change this new media madness frenzy of empty paparazzi.
Our media should take more responsibility, and help our youth to find the real heroes the ones that help others to change lives and the world,and make it cool to act good not act bad.
How nice it would be to see the Media bombarding us with news about young successful stars, good role models, good causes as often as they do about stars drinking themselves stupid, doing drugs, be violent to women, and in the end being successfull with no consequences... but no those news will be too boring...
All of us are starving for great examples, and great causes, we need to change this new media madness frenzy of empty paparazzi.
Our media should take more responsibility, and help our youth to find the real heroes the ones that help others to change lives and the world,and make it cool to act good not act bad.
Debate Opinion: Paedophile Derek Percy hits grieving mum with $30,000 bill |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Taking one (woman) for the team - Unleashed (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Taking one (woman) for the team - Unleashed (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Some good sense in the Media good on you Clem Bastow.
Where are the good Media Men?Too afraid of peer pressure?I understand no one wants to stand against Collingwood CEO.
Some good sense in the Media good on you Clem Bastow.
Where are the good Media Men?Too afraid of peer pressure?I understand no one wants to stand against Collingwood CEO.
Women Make the News 2010
Women Make the News 2010
Australia Media should make some changes ... before the end of the year or we will miss the boat.
Australia Media should make some changes ... before the end of the year or we will miss the boat.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
ABC Sport - Everitt under fire for sex assault comments
ABC Sport - Everitt under fire for sex assault comments
We all know how this is going to end...
So many club players are involved ...did I read this story sometime ago?
Supposing a sexual assault is done by a group of players, the club probably can not afford to risk to loose so many players, also it will be more difficult to prove wrong doing...right?
Well the public is sick of our stars disgusting behavior(drugs, violence against women, etc), they are role models and should behave like it or be taken out of the sport and limelight.
It is about time the clubs take action, education programs are not enough anymore, consequences are need it. What message are you giving to the next generation?
Educate them before making them stars , our boys and girls deserve better.
This type of stories are all the time in the news, what do you think will happen in a few years? Maybe it will not be at 3 am, it will be acceptable to do it anytime, anywhere. That is the message we are given to our boys, no consequences to bad and harmful behavior, and I am scared for the future of our girls.
We all know how this is going to end...
So many club players are involved ...did I read this story sometime ago?
Supposing a sexual assault is done by a group of players, the club probably can not afford to risk to loose so many players, also it will be more difficult to prove wrong doing...right?
Well the public is sick of our stars disgusting behavior(drugs, violence against women, etc), they are role models and should behave like it or be taken out of the sport and limelight.
It is about time the clubs take action, education programs are not enough anymore, consequences are need it. What message are you giving to the next generation?
Educate them before making them stars , our boys and girls deserve better.
This type of stories are all the time in the news, what do you think will happen in a few years? Maybe it will not be at 3 am, it will be acceptable to do it anytime, anywhere. That is the message we are given to our boys, no consequences to bad and harmful behavior, and I am scared for the future of our girls.
Women's group condemns Peter 'Spida' Everitt's Twitter rant on Collingwood sex assault inquiry |
Women's group condemns Peter 'Spida' Everitt's Twitter rant on Collingwood sex assault inquiry |
We need ethical men discussing this issue in our media.Peer pressure?Are they courageous enough? Our boys urgently need good role models.
Do we want an increase of sexual assaults, and violence against women in the future?
Men have to think about their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces, and have a man to man talk about this issue.
Sometimes even if not wise... , women like man walk at 3 am and drink, does that give anyone the right to sexual harass , be violent or rape, NO is NO and no women should walk the streets afraid of perfectly "normal man"...
Australia we are not going back, we are going prehistoric.
We need ethical men discussing this issue in our media.Peer pressure?Are they courageous enough? Our boys urgently need good role models.
Do we want an increase of sexual assaults, and violence against women in the future?
Men have to think about their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces, and have a man to man talk about this issue.
Sometimes even if not wise... , women like man walk at 3 am and drink, does that give anyone the right to sexual harass , be violent or rape, NO is NO and no women should walk the streets afraid of perfectly "normal man"...
Australia we are not going back, we are going prehistoric.
Gender equality suffering with male boards rising - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
What are Australians doing to stop this nightmare??????
Melbourne's Royal Women's Hospital says it is seeing between 600 and 700 women each year who have experienced it in some form.
How many more women and girls? Will we ever know the real number?
If this was done to a prisoner the force of the law would be applied as it should.
What are we really doing about girls and women being mutilated? Do you know of anyone that committed this crime being jailed ?
How many more women and girls? Will we ever know the real number?
If this was done to a prisoner the force of the law would be applied as it should.
What are we really doing about girls and women being mutilated? Do you know of anyone that committed this crime being jailed ?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Pies' champ sex attack probe | Herald Sun
We are all tired of media stories day after day of sexual harassment, and alledged rape by high profile Australians without any real or minimal consequences to the perpetrators.
What kind of example are we giving to our youth ? What kind of Australia are we offering to our sons' and daughters in the future?
Pies' champ sex attack probe | Herald Sun
What kind of example are we giving to our youth ? What kind of Australia are we offering to our sons' and daughters in the future?
Pies' champ sex attack probe | Herald Sun
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Do We Care?
I do not know if people are too busy working or having fun ...
It is a reality, there are many taking advantage of good people.Are we too afraid to join good causes?
I know that the majority of us humans are good. Are we letting the "bad guys" rule our world?
Some days I do loose Faith that humanity will get it...
Are we so into our own problems that we do not have time to work together to improve the world we live in?
This lack of unity and apathy will hurt us, our family, friends, and the world ...RIGHT?
It is a reality, there are many taking advantage of good people.Are we too afraid to join good causes?
I know that the majority of us humans are good. Are we letting the "bad guys" rule our world?
Some days I do loose Faith that humanity will get it...
Are we so into our own problems that we do not have time to work together to improve the world we live in?
This lack of unity and apathy will hurt us, our family, friends, and the world ...RIGHT?
Friday, October 1, 2010
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