Australian Women Links Headline Animator

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PM says women and men should be boss |

"PM is hoping that people can imagine women doing the top jobs, not just the men.
Despite the country sporting a female prime minister, two female premiers and a female governor-general it has become apparent the corporate world is not reflecting politics."

If women in the developed world take so long to have the same pay, and the same opportunities, with the law and education in their side, can we imagine how many centuries will take for the rest of the world to stop trafficking, FGM, slavery or child rape?
I have been listening to media comments by men and women about raping as if the woman's actions are to blame not the perpetrators.
Yesterday, following the Q&A on the ABC, it was said that we cannot underestimate the bond between the players after group sex.
What kind of bond?violent sex, rape? Are these our heroes?
As every one knows women should not be drunk at 3 am, and talk or go with strangers because it is not safe not because they deserve to be raped.
Is it fair to say that they have been raped because they were out?We are putting the blame on the victims not the perpetrators what is morally wrong.
What does it say about us and the society we are creating?Is that the example we want to give to the world?
It appears to me that media celebrities should take more responsibility by the comments they make.
Really, what are we saying to our boys? That it is ok to use a women as a sexual object without any caring for their feelings, and that rape is ok if the women is out late and drunk?

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