Australian Women Links Headline Animator

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Australia drops 3 places( not in the top 20 )out of gender equality study's top 20 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). women lets all move to Iceland...maybe for 3 months ( next year Australia will take GOLD)

Australia drops out of gender equality study's top 20 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)"
"Australia drops out of gender equality study's top 20
The following was extracted from the ABC NEWS

"Iceland, Norway and Finland topped the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual gender gap index, while Pakistan, Chad and Yemen were bottom of the 134-nation rankings.

Australia has dropped three places since last year to come in at 23rd behind Mozambique.
New Zealand at fifth and the Philippines, at ninth, led the Asia-Pacific nations.
The report - which assesses how equitably income, resources and opportunities are distributed between the sexes - gave particular praise to the Philippines in Asia and Lesotho in Africa, which were both in the world top 10."

USA from 31st to 19th passing australia by 1.
France dropped more than 25 places to 46th, mainly because of its "poor performance" in women's political empowerment.

The report said Iceland had made new gains "because of an increase in the number of women ministers, a near gender-balanced parliament and the continued tenure of a female prime minister.

The only blemish was "a significant difference between men's and women's salaries."

Nordic countries have some of the highest labor force participation rates in the world and lowest salary gaps while "women have abundant opportunities to rise to positions of leadership," said the report."

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